Sunday, November 13, 2011

Faces in the Crowd

     I love love love loved this movie.  This movie was a pleasant surprise.  Milla Jovovich plays a woman who's life changes when she encounters a man trying to kill a woman in a dark alley or pier area.  He becomes aware of her presence when her cell phone rings.  In short, she falls off the pier and bumps her head causing brain damage.  The brain damage I believe is called Prosopagnosia, or "face blindness".  Milla's character is no longer able to recognize anyone's face.  Her boyfriend is a completely different person every time she looks at him.  Kind of makes making love a nice encounter when you're having sex with a different face every time you look at him lol.  This movie will really get to psychology or neuroscience majors.  I found it fascinating how scary it would be to no longer be able to recognize the ones you love.  I will warn that it is about the killer kind of stalking her because he knows that she cannot recognize her.  So, if you don't like suspenseful movies then I would pass.  But this movie and the ideas in it are awesome.


     I tend to rent just about any horror film.  If Mariah is working or doing homework that's what I tend to do.  We are in desperate need of a wii or xbox 360 so I can get netflix again.  My weekend ritual is to just go to Redbox and get whatever horror films they have that I haven't seen yet.  This week it was The Mothman.  Well, as a fan of The Mothman Prophecies movie and book I thought I would check this one out.  It was about as good as I expected it to be.  Did not go by the true legend at all thought, which I found disappointing.  Its take on the Mothman monster is that he is basically like a revenge demon.  Or if you are a Buffy fan, Vengeance demon.  However, be warned there is no Anya in this movie.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Walking Dead Episode 4

     This season of The Walking Dead has been lingering in my opinion.  Don't get me wrong, I love this show and will not stop watching, but I could deal with a little more action.  That doesn't mean let's starting killing off everyone I love lol.  I do think this season has a lot more character development which has been very important for the show.  This season has raised a lot of questions about how long would you search for someone else's child?  The fact that these people are still searching after so long speaks a lot about each character's moral capacity.
     The women this season are driving me nuts.  The only woman that I actually enjoy watching is Andrea.  She is the only one who is the least bit strong, even though she did want to kill herself.  But who could blame her in this situation the world is in?  Carol is absolutely the weakest, pathetic, and ridiculous character I've ever seen.  Yes, she is an abused woman but that is no excuse.  Why isn't she out there looking for her daughter?  If it were any other mother they would be out there night and day and not depending on people who  have no real ties to this child to find her.  She is rude and unthankful.  The fact that she doesn't even know how to shoot a gun is ridiculous.  Guess what, Carol?  The world isn't the same.  Flesh eating zombies are roaming the earth ready to kill you and your child.  Survival instinct has to in eventually right?  And Lori is pregnant?  Okay, I see a Maury Show appearance coming up soon. It may look like Lori is stronger than the others but I really think that she's just a bitch lol.  She is a good mother and would do anything for Carl and I respect that.
     This season should really be interesting with Shane's character development.  He was a complete ass for killing Otis.  But in hindsight he was really trying to save Carl.  Rick would have never done that.  Shane is dark and Rick is a warm and has high morality.  I think when it comes down to it Shane is the one who can make sure the strongest survive.  But I would definitely never turn my back when he is around.
     Hopefully this season will pick up in action.  We've already seen a little more action in terms of Glenn.  I feel sorry for him.  I think he is my favorite character and he totally got used by that woman lol. So we just shove the cute Asian kid down a well as bait?  That zombie though was amazing.  Total gore.  Amazing.  Mariah only seems to come in and watch when the gore happens then she immediately walks out going "EWWWWW".  Love it.  Daryl is proving himself to be quite a man and has much more humanity than his brother Merle.
     I have bought Volume 1 of the comic book series and hope to catch up eventually and be able to compare it to the show.  Looking forward to next week's episode!