Monday, November 12, 2012

Season 3 Episode 4


     Okay I'm a bit behind and I apologize for this.  Episode 4 was a hell of an episode. You couldn't get more action packed then this episode.

     I think it really came to a point where everyone had to make life altering decisions.  The Prisoner, not sure of his name, who opened that gate cost the group several lives.  T-Dog's death was tragic.  He sacrificed his life for the group, especially Carol.  We still don't know what actually happened to Carol or where she is.
     Lori's death was absolutely awful.  I had probably spent the first two seasons wishing they would kill her off but the way she went was really sad to me.  You can't get more brutal then dying by a knife and having your baby ripped out of you.  Her message to Carl before dying was very heartfelt. She wanted to make sure that he would be able to survive.  Lori knew that the boy's psyche is very fragile.  He is growing up in a world that has been destroyed by zombies.  Now he has to shoot his mom in the head so she doesn't come back as a walker.  We never really see him shoot her and I've seen a lot of people questioning that but I think anyone who thinks she could have survived is foolish.  I think this is a breaking point for Carl.  Actually more of a rite of passage. I think having to shoot someone he loved, especially his mother is really going to make Carl grow up.  His psyche could be really damaged or it could make him make wiser decisions.  I'm all for that since he's spent the last two seasons not listening to what he's told and endangering people's lives.

     The fact that Lori had no closure with Rick really bothered me.  I know Lori made bad decisions but she was ready to give birth and with so many unknowns that could have occurred during the pregnancy, I think she deserved more from Rick. Everyone makes poor decisions sometimes and I'm sure even more in an apocalyptic word because when we are scared we do things that we wouldn't normally do.  I appreciate how  much Rick has done for the group but he had a responsibility as a father and husband and he neglected it.  Now with Lori's death he is obviously going over the edge.  I haven't read that far into the comic so I'm unsure of how far Rick will go.

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